Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Quick Illustration for this weeks illustration friday theme 'Space'

*Edit* i missed the deadline tdue to a power cut during upload but here it is anyway


Quick illustration for this weeks illustration friday's theme 'Refresh'
 Go on have a sip

Thursday, 8 March 2012

D&AD The ones that didn't make it

Here are some that didn't make it...

D&AD 2012 entry

My entry for this years D&AD student award, the brief was to illustrate a cover for the Little White Lies film magazine. The film is tinker tailor soldier spy in case you hadn't realized, its an ace film with Gary Oldman in it so go watch it if you haven't (if you want, i'm not gunna tell you how to live your life). Il upload another post with some rejected ideas and some initial concepts which some are probably cooler than the final design.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Portfolio production

Putting a wee portfolio together and thought i'd share it with all you good folk